Diane J Wood
Diane J Wood works in Fused Glass Relief Sculptures, and Carved Glass Jewelry with Silver. Her work most often arrives in the form of faces, study of nature and spiral movement within the glass work. With her background in ceramics, she makes all her owns glass forms for her sculptural wall work. The glass work is an expression of movement, textures, and the use of transparency of the glass. Diane has studied under Dan Fenton for glass casting, and Pate de Verre glass work. She has a fine art jewelry glass line, and glass sculptural work that is shown in galleries in the United States, private residences and internationally. She teaches metal and glass art in Charter schools, as well as, being an instructor in fused glass at Sierra Community College, Rocklin, Ca.
Website: www.dianewoodglassstudio.com
Email: kilnglassdwood@gmail.com